Some samples of last projects


What I believe

As for me - design is not just about pretty pixels; instead, it's a deep understanding of how the products interact with the people that use them.

I believe in a "systems thinking", crafting intuitive interactions and workflows informed by market and user research, and thinking about how all aspects of a system come together to form a delightful whole.

MY experience

I have contributed to multiple projects,
including well-known brands such as General Motors, AVG, Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, Cellcom, Teva, Skoda and multiple startups.

What I do

Transforming strategic analysis into powerful concepts. 

Designing and executing creative concepts across digital, mobile and social platforms. 

My process is deeply co-creation oriented, involving the client from early insights to final implementation.

Key points of my work


I work closely with my clients, and that’s just how I like it. I believe in communication, collaboration and strong, long-lasting relationships. I love making things better, more useful and fun. It doesn’t matter big or small. I like solving problems because I can learn new things.


I see honesty as an asset - I am transparent about the approach, and upfront with my views on what will make your project a success. I make sure you have the advice and information you need to make the right decision.